Mobile App Showcase

Mobile App Showcase

The National BDPA Mobile App Showcase allows high school and college students the opportunity to participate in a competition that tests their talents against others in developing a functional mobile application. The student will design, program, and pitch their own app.

BDPA Motto: “Advancing Careers From The Classroom To The Boardroom.”

Why Compete?

Why compete? The National Mobile App showcase is a great opportunity to improve your programming skills in the language of your choice and learn about product development. Design and build any application you are passionate about and learn how to give a compelling pitch to an audience of companies looking for students like you!

This competition is here for independent, driven students. We will provide light-weight checkpoints to help you think through your app, troubleshoot, and finish a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) by the end of the summer. Build your app at your own pace between March and August 2021.

During the 46th Annual BDPA Conference on August 12-14, 2021, you will pitch and demo the app to a panel of judges for the chance to win the scholarships below.

First, second, and third place winners at the high school and college levels will be presented at the 2021 National BDPA Technology Conference Gala. Each participant will be recognized with a Certificate of Participation for their effort and the opportunity to network with our sponsors.

1st Place College Scholarship $3,000
2nd Place College Scholarship $2,000
3rd Place College Scholarship $1,250

1st Place High School $1,750
2nd Place High School $1,250
3rd Place High Scholarship $750

Become A Sponsor

We are actively looking for sponsors for the National Mobile App showcase. Becoming a sponsor will give your organization early access to our talented BDPA students and an avenue for your diversity and community outreach commitments. When you offer scholarship funds for our winners, we’ll give you a seat at the judging table and the opportunity to interview any of our high school and college students for internship and full-time positions.

If your organization is interested in sponsoring the National Mobile App showcase, please contact

Interest in Sponsoring the BDPA Mobile App Showcase

Competition Details

Judging Criteria

Each student’s projects will be judged in either High School (9-12 grade) or College brackets. Their projects will be assessed by a panel of judges. Scholarships will be awarded to the top high school and college participants.


  • User Interface – 20% (app design)
  • User Experience – 20% (practicality, ease of use)
  • Coding Concepts – 20% (working functionality, code cleanliness)
  • Pitch Content – 20% (business case)
  • Pitch Delivery – 20% (presentation, preparedness)

Student Requirements

● Must be a high school student or full-time undergraduate college student (maximum age of 25)
● Must be sponsored by their local BDPA chapter. If you aren’t already part of a chapter, we can get you connected.
● Must engage in virtual Mobile App Showcase Discussions and Monthly Check-Ins

App Requirements

● Must be built in code (ex: Swift iOS, Android native environments, React Native Unity, etc.) Contact if you are unsure about your preferred programming language.
● Must be completed by the student outside of school work or as a significant extension of a school project.

How to Compete

● Complete the Mobile App Showcase Form stating your interest to participate in the program. Then keep a lookout for an email from on next steps.

Register to Compete

Join BDPA!

Be part of a national movement and make a difference in the lives of African American information technology professionals as we work together to create the changes needed for diverse work environments and supportive communities.

So the next time someone asks, Where are the Blacks in Information Technology? Where are the Blacks In Technology? Where are Information Technology Thought Leaders? Where are the Blacks In STEM? Where are the Black Digital Leaders of the future? Tell them they are all in BDPA!

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